2 nouveaux projets ERASMUS+ – eTwinning

9 octobre 2020 Par Denis Dehon

Quelle que soit la situation, on garde confiance, on tisse des liens et on investit dans le distanciel 🙂


Voici 2 nouveaux projets introduits par GPH pour faire voyager nos élèves en Europe.


Be My Friend : avec 2 B (Friendship + English unify the whole Europe. The students introduce themselves, talk about their hobby, favourite activities, and the life in the school. They present their country and spécialité of their countries too.)


Towards European Citizenship : avec 5TQ 3 (This project is carried out in combination with an Erasmus+KA1 project « Creating an innovative school » 2019-1-LT01-KA101-60261. The general objective of the project is to encourage greater awareness in schools of Europe’s rich cultural heritage throughout tour guide visits and playful educational activities. The effort of explaining the most famous places will motivate our students to know more about the partners’ cities and lead them towards a European Citizenship. We will combine physical mobility with virtual exchanges through etwinning portal.


In this project we want to present to our partners our city in which we live.


The project aims to involve all students into an action research to explore and know their own towns from different points of view: geographical, historical, musical, folk, culinary. The main aim is to enhance the local and global knowledge about towns and share them within the school partnership. It will promote cultural knowledge, appreciation, inclusion.)